Tel: 01908 696704

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Normal opening hours:

8am - 5.30pm
Monday to Friday

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References and Comments


Please find below what others say about me and my standard of care.

"I believe Lynn Blackburn is very good at her job. She does all sorts of things with the children i.e. playgroup, days out, dress up and making crafts. I could not ask for more as far as childminders go I am very pleased."

Jenny Costa

"I chose Lynn as the childminder for my son because she had looked after my niece and nephew when they were small. Now they are grown up they were able to give me their thoughts on the day-to-day care they received and an insight into the time spent in Lynn's care.

For the most part my son seems to enjoy his days with Lynn. He also talks regularly about the Blackburn family and the things they do.

We use Lynn's services three and half days a week. During that time my son attends two toddler groups, does painting and drawing, watches CBeebies, plays with toys, eats lunch and snacks and his absolute favourite, spends time playing outside.

I am happy with the level of care and mentoring my son receives and would recommend Springfield Childcare to other mums looking for childcare support."

Julie Holmwood

"My daughter settled in from day 1 and I particularly like the fact that Lynn's home is very warm and welcoming, her family love and interact with the children and she is treated as part of her family. Lynn often sends me picture messages on her phone of my daughter playing and having fun. Every week she took my daughter to a playgroup where she interacted and played with other children. As well as being firm she is also very affectionate and my daughter adores Lynn and her family.

Lynn has been flexible due to my circumstances and has always been accommodating. Lynn is passionate about her job and the children in her care and I would not hesitate recommending her to other families requiring childcare."

Cerys Tommy

“Lynn Blackburn has worked as a childminder for our three children aged 2, 6, 10, for the last four months. She has been an excellent childminder, very good with the children and very creative. I would highly recommend her.”

Angela Brereton

“When I started to use Lynn Blackburn of Springfield Childcare my children were 18 months and three and a half years old. Lynn has looked after both of them for the past 18 months and in that time they have changed considerably for the better. They are much more confident and have gained a lot of social skills.

I have found Lynn to be extremely helpful and nothing is ever too much trouble. She does a variety of activities with the children both inside and outside the home and they go on numerous trips to parks, lakes, parties, picnics etc.

I would most definitely leave my children with Lynn and her family again should the opportunity arise, as not only does she look after them physically but she gives them loads of love and affection too. They are well fed throughout the day and any special likes they have are catered for.

I have found Lynn and all her family to be exemplary people and I'm so glad that my children had the benefit of her care for the time they did. I've never had any cause for concern in any respect.”

Domini Ward (Mrs)

“Lynn has looked after Daniel since he was four months old. During this time I have been continually impressed with the consistently high standard of care that Daniel has received.

The atmosphere at Lynn's is always happy, relaxed and under control and it's clear that Daniel enjoys going there in the mornings. Lynn has strong family values and I feel that her own children, who are polite and well behaved, are a testament to the effectiveness of these values.

Lynn provides Daniel with lots of stimulation and often taken the children out to play groups or on picnics, to parks or the lake. Lynn encourages a lot of outdoor play, which I feel is very important in encouraging Daniel to enjoy exercise.

I have been very happy with Daniel being looked after by Lynn. I have total confidence in her which makes it easier for me to concentrate on work during the day as I do not worry about Daniel at all. It is also very clear that Daniel thoroughly enjoys his time at Lynn's and is very fond of her and her family.”

Theresa Naylor

“We have visited Lynn's house and found it a very safe and friendly environment for children.”

From Richard & Alison

“Lynn looked after Jordan for five months, I was very happy with the way she cared for Jordan while he was there. Lynn's home is very welcoming and friendly, Jordan was always doing paintings or drawings. Lynn would always take them out for walks to parks and mums and toddlers and playgroups. He had regular contact with other children Lynn looks after.

I would recommend Lynn to my friends as I was happy for Jordan to go there and Jordan enjoyed his short time there.”

From Kelly Enyon

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